c62ad455baBetter management of data to display
Pierrick C
2018-08-19 00:02:45 +02:00
4b9885d7a7Add GPS data to data on flash memory
Pierrick C
2018-08-19 00:01:23 +02:00
50b73d3592New base plate for electronic components
Pierrick C
2018-08-19 00:00:22 +02:00
238f5d0160Small change to actually print Vbat
Pierrick C
2018-08-17 23:55:01 +02:00
fcc9c2f15bAdd 'CPUT' data type for CPU Temperature
Pierrick C
2018-08-17 23:54:30 +02:00
b2e547cf55Move data units and types dict from uart2mqtt module to cameteo_conf
Pierrick C
2018-08-17 23:53:56 +02:00
9174e70030Display Vbat instead of Altitude
Pierrick C
2018-08-17 23:20:08 +02:00
b7187d6d54Add Vbat to written data on flash
Pierrick C
2018-08-17 23:19:30 +02:00
6141e4a9b2Wait data for full screen refresh. There is no partial refresh and the full refresh is slow => wait few seconds for other data to arrive before refreshing instead of refreshing every many times.
Pierrick C
2018-08-15 22:04:29 +02:00
fe009f6116Add different interval of time for sending data to Rpi and backup on flash memory
Pierrick C
2018-08-15 18:59:03 +02:00
d0c130e5e6New (working !) UART to communicate with the raspberry pi
Pierrick C
2018-08-15 18:44:13 +02:00
d9d6d80588Add info about pins usage and some tweak to try to debug 2d UART (to raspberry pi)
Pierrick C
2018-08-12 17:09:47 +02:00
57b22c4cc5Add freeshly compiled firmware (one with frozen modules for bus-devices, GPS, Neopixel and BME280)
Pierrick C
2018-08-12 15:28:59 +02:00
c65b4d3c44Move from waveshare e-ink display to pimoroni's inkyphat (run install_inkyphat_lib.sh to install dependencies)
Pierrick C
2018-08-12 13:17:59 +02:00
ac55131ac5Move old M0 firmawre in new directory
Pierrick C
2018-08-11 16:28:54 +02:00
4acb6bee45Move code from M0 express feather board to M4 express board
Pierrick C
2018-08-11 15:57:35 +02:00
69ab6d4c2cDeleted one baaaad little space
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 23:04:18 +02:00
273be7d4b4Updated schema with UART connecting RPi to feather
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 22:53:57 +02:00
dda9f3ed7dHandle exception when the data is not correctly formatted or partial (ie : first start at boot time)
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 22:20:19 +02:00
311a36fbdfFrench -> english translation
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 20:58:39 +02:00
c96f7b86aeVersion 0.2 - Change date/time display to match the new source (feather RTC !). Update doc, comments, licence, version...
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 20:33:14 +02:00
be8d28a2f9Update to use new data from feather m0 express (UART->MQTT)
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 19:29:49 +02:00
b7205f397fSend data as single "packet" instead of multiple
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 19:21:08 +02:00
01dd30d2cfAdd: data receveid on UART as compact JSON are sended to MQTT broker. Old obsolete script deleted
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 19:04:17 +02:00
d7e4705abdAdd firmware with Circuitpython 3.x (stable) and frozen modules : GPS, BusDevice, BME280 and Neopixel
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 17:03:03 +02:00
d5d7d78f59Add the feather M0 express pinout to the doc
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 16:21:30 +02:00
3718666890Add age (in seconds) of the last GPS fix
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 16:20:51 +02:00
d88a47d793Add end of line symbol to after json output to uart
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 14:26:08 +02:00
6363264b95Rename firmware with version
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 12:07:19 +02:00
e6faa04702More informations
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 12:05:23 +02:00
b767ff9670More comments and informations
Pierrick C
2018-08-04 12:03:11 +02:00
4cc41e8e9aAdd threshold parameter to set_clock_from_gps() and update some documentation
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 23:25:14 +02:00
66abc780f8Add @property decorator to some method of Data class
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 23:10:40 +02:00
60e4b9f12dtodo & version update
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 22:44:41 +02:00
a5a279a64dAdd first lines of code to send json data to raspberry pi with additionnal UART
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 22:44:01 +02:00
588a0e815cDebug json : now valid compact JSON (RFC 4627)
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 20:38:46 +02:00
f07f998771Reduction of memory use and fragmentation Add onbaord LED as "read-only flash" indicator
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 19:59:34 +02:00
2a1aae6da8Delete unneed print command
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 18:55:30 +02:00
7aa786493bDelete unnneeded code to disable GPS
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 18:29:21 +02:00
403ff7f550Add : cut power to the GPS module if gps_enable if False to save battery
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 15:35:03 +02:00
b08a56b204Move function "update_neopixel()" to data class method "atmo2rgb()" for consistency and french to english color variables translation
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 15:00:28 +02:00
280823577cFull declaration of Data.data dict to "reserve" the RAM
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 12:09:55 +02:00
bb88522d51Updated directory arch
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 10:59:14 +02:00
4ab331dd30Update for new directory arch.
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 10:58:29 +02:00
434d02288bAdd new firmware with build-in lib: GPS, neopixel, BusDevice and BME280
Pierrick C
2018-08-03 10:57:50 +02:00
aa60639307Add : do not try again to write data on flash if it failed with read-only error
Pierrick C
2018-08-02 00:15:25 +02:00
5665ccff52Add function to measure Vbat with some simple filter (mean of n samples, 10 by default)
Pierrick C
2018-08-02 00:11:57 +02:00
37e77ebef6Add : write data on SPI flash memory if writable
Pierrick C
2018-08-02 00:09:13 +02:00
7c80336f9aUpdate metadata & info
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 19:39:13 +02:00
f779371c5eAdd fritzing "schema"
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 18:49:19 +02:00
a958fc4189Add Licence and metadata in the header
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 18:48:25 +02:00
a758b2c3f4Add function to set date/time with GPS clock if available and diffence >= 5s
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 17:27:52 +02:00
5ed1b85280Set neopixel brightness to 1 and use neopixel_max_value instead to spare some mem
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 16:45:19 +02:00
8f73b1f864Update and translate (fr->en) some comments
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 16:25:37 +02:00
b8586837c3Add Feather M0 internal RTC support
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 16:19:44 +02:00
0c2f6f22a9GPS enable
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 15:27:37 +02:00
85a6425b25Remove obsolete function update_gps()
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 13:07:51 +02:00
5f8990e60eMove js_ressources to content block
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 13:04:54 +02:00
db92dbe984Update from simple test script to more complete script
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 13:02:16 +02:00
71310249c3File permission updates
Pierrick C
2018-07-29 01:01:00 +02:00
432165454cRename and order parts folder
Pierrick C
2018-07-28 18:49:57 +02:00
01ed6e1658Start to move from Arduino (C/C++) to MicroPython / CircuitPython (teensy=>Feather M0 express)
Pierrick C
2018-07-28 18:42:27 +02:00
f421bda621Add pymakr configuration file
Pierrick C
2018-07-28 18:40:01 +02:00
08fab2b86bSuppression fichiers inutiles : abandon de d3.js pour bokeh
Pierrick C
2017-10-08 22:34:56 +02:00
9aa4f8084dPetites améliorations du graphe + préparation d'autre amélioration Ajout téléchargement des données en JSON
Pierrick C
2017-10-02 00:33:03 +02:00
b5c32cfc15Graphe fonctionnel avec bokeh pour les données par type (à améliorer, mais ça marche)
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 18:14:12 +02:00
daf1053f7dRenommage de l'interface web
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 09:40:04 +02:00
42dbc8e1b4Mise à jour chemin vers les template Jinja renommés
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 09:23:50 +02:00
114e6a830bSuppression fichier obsolète
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 09:23:12 +02:00
ce15bceb58Grand ménage des fichiers obsolètes/inutiles et réorganisation des dossiers
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 09:20:19 +02:00
2091c459beMises à jour multiples à l'interface web : visu de photos, renommage des templates Jinja, nouvelle configuration, préparation graphe
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 09:07:48 +02:00
4aa801634fRenommage des templates Jinja pour plus de clareté
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 09:05:50 +02:00
e39a0c1b91Modif mise en page affichage sur EPD + Commentaires=>DocString
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 09:04:55 +02:00
5efa599b93Mise à jour du SHIM suite à réunion KiCAD (connecteur intercalaire sur GPIO)
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 09:03:08 +02:00
669a31ce69Suppression fichier inutile
Pierrick C
2017-10-01 09:02:10 +02:00
61c4296af6Nouveau driver ePaper Display de Waveshare supportant les Image de la librairie PIL
Pierrick C
2017-09-20 18:06:00 +02:00