Modif mise en page affichage sur EPD + Commentaires=>DocString
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,14 @@ from PIL import ImageFont
mqtt_client_id = "epaper_display"
# Colors codes
white = 255
black = 0
Update ePaper Display
def update_epd():
#rotation de l'image de 90° + 180° si le paramètre epd_rotate est différent de 0
# la translation permet de rattraper un petit décalage en cas de rotation de 90+180°
@ -33,7 +41,9 @@ def update_epd():
#Callback pour la connection au MQTT : souscriptions aux topics
Callback pour la connection au MQTT : souscriptions aux topics
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0:
@ -43,8 +53,10 @@ def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
#Callback de gestion des messages arrivant au MQTT :
# affichage et enregistrement en base de données
Callback de gestion des messages arrivant au MQTT :
affichage et enregistrement en base de données
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
subtopics = top.split("/")
@ -65,22 +77,20 @@ def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
val['unit'] = val['unit'].replace('deg', '°')
#Affichage des données
coord_type = { 'AT' : (2, 50),
'RH' : (127, 50),
'MSLP' : (2, 66),
'ALTI' : (127, 66),
coord_type = { 'AT' : (12, 50),
'RH' : (137, 50),
'MSLP' : (12, 72),
'ALTI' : (137, 72),
if val['type'] in coord_type:
#erase former text
draw.rectangle(coord_type[val['type']] + (coord_type[val['type']][0] + 122, coord_type[val['type']][1] + 14), fill=255)
draw.rectangle(coord_type[val['type']] + (coord_type[val['type']][0] + 112, coord_type[val['type']][1] + 20), fill=white)
#draw new values
draw.text(coord_type[val['type']], "{:8.1f} {} ".format(val['value'], val['unit']), font=font14, fill=0)
# #Update the display
# screen = image.rotate(90, expand=True)
# epd.set_frame_memory(screen, 0, 0)
# epd.display_frame()
draw.text(coord_type[val['type']], "{:6.1f}{} ".format(val['value'], val['unit']), font=font20_bold, fill=black)
#Callback managing date and time from MQTT broker
Callback managing date and time from MQTT broker
def on_message_date(client, userdata, msg):
payload = msg.payload.decode()
print("Date : " + payload)
@ -92,29 +102,33 @@ def on_message_date(client, userdata, msg):
dt_texte = payload
#Affichage du résultat
draw.rectangle((0, 34, epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 48), fill=255)
draw.text((0, 34), dt_texte, font=font14, fill=0)
draw.rectangle((0, 34, epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 48), fill=white)
draw.text((0, 34), dt_texte, font=font14, fill=black)
#Update display with info from camera (camera shooting new photo or name of the
# last photo)
Update display with info from camera (camera shooting new photo or name of the
last photo)
def on_message_camera(client, userdata, msg):
pl = msg.payload.decode()
print("{} : {} ({})".format(msg.topic, pl, type(pl)))
# Photo en cours
if pl == "1" and msg.topic == camera_mqtt_topic + "/shooting" :
draw.rectangle((0, 105, epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 120), fill=255)
draw.text((0, 105), "Shooting photo... ", font=font14, fill=0)
draw.rectangle((0, 106, epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, epd2in13.EPD_WIDTH), fill=white)
draw.text((0, 106), "Shooting photo... ", font=font14, fill=black)
#Dernière photo prise
if msg.topic == camera_mqtt_topic + "/last_photo":
draw.rectangle((0, 105, epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 120), fill=255)
draw.text((0, 105), "Last: " + pl, font=font14, fill=0)
draw.rectangle((0, 106, epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, epd2in13.EPD_WIDTH), fill=white)
draw.text((0, 106), "Last: " + pl, font=font14, fill=black)
#Callback de déconnexion au broker MQTT
Callback de déconnexion au broker MQTT
def on_disconnect(client, userdata, msg):
if msg != 0:
print("Déconnexion imprévu : %s" % msg)
@ -132,9 +146,11 @@ epd.init(epd.lut_full_update)
font12 = ImageFont.truetype(epd_font_file, 12)
font14 = ImageFont.truetype(epd_font_file, 14)
font16 = ImageFont.truetype(epd_font_file, 16)
font20 = ImageFont.truetype(epd_font_file, 20)
font12_bold = ImageFont.truetype(epd_bold_font_file, 12)
font14_bold = ImageFont.truetype(epd_bold_font_file, 14)
font16_bold = ImageFont.truetype(epd_bold_font_file, 16)
font20_bold = ImageFont.truetype(epd_bold_font_file, 20)
#font12_obl = ImageFont.truetype(epd_italic_font_file, 12)
#font14_obl = ImageFont.truetype(epd_italic_font_file, 14)
#font16_obl = ImageFont.truetype(epd_italic_font_file, 16)
@ -145,13 +161,13 @@ image ='1', (epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, epd2in13.EPD_WIDTH), 255)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
#Draw basic text and frame :
draw.rectangle((0, 0, epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 18), fill=0)
draw.text((60, 2), "Projet Camétéo", font=font16_bold, fill=255)
draw.text((0, 20), "{} : IP= {}".format(socket.gethostname(), netifaces.ifaddresses('wlan0')[2][0]['addr']), font = font12, fill=0 )
draw.line((0,49,epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 49), fill=0)
draw.line((0,65,epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 65), fill=0)
draw.line((0,81,epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 81), fill=0)
draw.line((125, 49, 125, 81), fill=0)
draw.rectangle((0, 0, epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 18), fill=black)
draw.text((60, 1), "Projet Camétéo", font=font16_bold, fill=white)
draw.text((0, 19), "{} : IP= {}".format(socket.gethostname(), netifaces.ifaddresses('wlan0')[2][0]['addr']), font = font12, fill=black )
draw.line((0,49,epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 49), fill=black)
draw.line((0,71,epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 71), fill=black)
draw.line((0,93,epd2in13.EPD_HEIGHT, 93), fill=black)
draw.line((125, 49, 125, 93), fill=black)
#Display on ePaper screen
Reference in New Issue
Block a user