Handle exception when the data is not correctly formatted or partial (ie : first start at boot time)

This commit is contained in:
Pierrick C 2018-08-04 22:20:19 +02:00
parent 311a36fbdf
commit dda9f3ed7d
1 changed files with 23 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -68,29 +68,32 @@ mqtt_topic = "feather0"
with serial.Serial(uart_name, uart_baud_rate, timeout=2) as uart:
while True:
line = uart.readline()
if line != b'':
# If the line is not empty, it's data and they should be formatted as
# compact JSON as bytes. Lets decode and load everything !
data = json.loads(line.decode('utf8'))
reception_date = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S ")
#print("{} :\n{}".format(reception_date, data))
data = json.loads(line.decode('utf8'))
reception_date = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S ")
#print("{} :\n{}".format(reception_date, data))
# Formatting data for sending to MQTT broker (one source at a time)
for s in data.items():
for d in s[1].items():
payload = json.dumps({"date": reception_date,
"value": d[1],
"unit": data_unit[d[0]],
"type": data_type[d[0]]})
mqtt.single("{}/{}".format(mqtt_topic, s[0]),
payload= payload ,
qos= 2 ,
retain= True ,
hostname= mqtt_host ,
port= mqtt_port ,
client_id= mqtt_client_id ,
auth= mqtt_auth )
# Formatting data for sending to MQTT broker (one source at a time)
for s in data.items():
for d in s[1].items():
payload = json.dumps({"date": reception_date,
"value": d[1],
"unit": data_unit[d[0]],
"type": data_type[d[0]]})
mqtt.single("{}/{}".format(mqtt_topic, s[0]),
payload= payload ,
qos= 2 ,
retain= True ,
hostname= mqtt_host ,
port= mqtt_port ,
client_id= mqtt_client_id ,
auth= mqtt_auth )
print("Bad data:\n{}".format(line))