# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """MicroPython rotary encoder library. Usage: from time import sleep_ms from encoder import Encoder # Connect CLK to D6, DT to D5, GND to GND and + to 3V3 enc = Encoder(pin_clk=12, pin_dt=14) def readloop(e): oldval = 0 while True: val = enc.value if oldval != val: print(val) oldval = val sleep_ms(50) readloop(e) Source : https://github.com/SpotlightKid/micropython-stm-lib/blob/master/encoder/encoder.py """ from machine import Pin ENC_STATES = ( 0, # 00 00 -1, # 00 01 1, # 00 10 0, # 00 11 1, # 01 00 0, # 01 01 0, # 01 10 -1, # 01 11 -1, # 10 00 0, # 10 01 0, # 10 10 1, # 10 11 0, # 11 00 1, # 11 01 -1, # 11 10 0 # 11 11 ) ACCEL_THRESHOLD = const(5) class Encoder(object): def __init__(self, pin_clk, pin_dt, pin_mode=None, clicks=1, min_val=0, max_val=100, accel=0, reverse=False): self.pin_clk = (pin_clk if isinstance(pin_clk, Pin) else Pin(pin_clk, Pin.IN, pin_mode)) self.pin_dt = (pin_dt if isinstance(pin_dt, Pin) else Pin(pin_dt, Pin.IN, pin_mode)) self.min_val = min_val * clicks self.max_val = max_val * clicks self.accel = int((max_val - min_val) / 100 * accel) self.max_accel = int((max_val - min_val) / 2) self.clicks = clicks self.reverse = 1 if reverse else -1 # The following variables are assigned to in the interrupt callback, # so we have to allocate them here. self._value = 0 self._readings = 0 self._state = 0 self.cur_accel = 0 self.set_callbacks(self._callback) def _callback(self, line): self._readings = (self._readings << 2 | self.pin_clk.value() << 1 | self.pin_dt.value()) & 0x0f self._state = ENC_STATES[self._readings] * self.reverse if self._state: self.cur_accel = min(self.max_accel, self.cur_accel + self.accel) self._value = min(self.max_val, max(self.min_val, self._value + (1 + (self.cur_accel >> ACCEL_THRESHOLD)) * self._state)) def set_callbacks(self, callback=None): mode = Pin.IRQ_RISING | Pin.IRQ_FALLING self.irq_clk = self.pin_clk.irq(trigger=mode, handler=callback) self.irq_dt = self.pin_dt.irq(trigger=mode, handler=callback) def close(self): self.set_callbacks(None) self.irq_clk = self.irq_dt = None @property def value(self): return self._value // self.clicks def reset(self): self._value = 0 def test(enc=None, **kwargs): from time import sleep_ms rate = kwargs.pop('rate', 20) if not isinstance(enc, Encoder): cls = kwargs.pop('encoder_cls', Encoder) kwargs.setdefault('pin_clk', 12) kwargs.setdefault('pin_dt', 14) kwargs.setdefault('clicks', 4) enc = cls(**kwargs) oldval = 0 try: while True: val = enc.value if oldval != val: print(val) oldval = val enc.cur_accel = max(0, enc.cur_accel - enc.accel) sleep_ms(1000 // rate) except: enc.close()